Kensuke Takahashi

Artist Painter

横浜出身のペインター、イラストレーター 確かな描写力と自由な発想力で、あえて画風を決めずに描くそのスタイルは自身の作品制作 の他、数々の音楽フェスやイベントでのライブペイントや壁画、店舗 や企業へのイラスト提供、ミュージシャンへのジャケットデザイン提 供など、活動の幅を多岐に広げている

近年ではPow!Wow!Japan in KOBE や PacificRoots FESTへの参 加、 横浜ワールドポーターズへのキャンペーンビジュアル提供、 Roland社AIRAシリーズのビジュアルアートワークや、yokohama breweryの限定ラベル、ジャケットイラストとしてuyamahiroto / DJ A- 1 / Rickie-G / twichem / Yu Mamiya feat.El Da Sensei などがある

Yokohama painter, illustrator and designer.
Starting from infancy, he began familiarizing himself with the fine arts, and in 2005 he began to earnestly pursue a lifestyle in said field. Naturally, with artistic capability and freedom of creativity, Kensuke goes outside the box to provide an ample amount of material for festivals, events, business illustrations, jacket designs for musicians, etc. As such, the breadth of his activities is large and diverse.
In 2012, Kensuke first held a one-man show locally in Yokohama. Following which, his work echoed throughout Tokyo and even to Nagoya.
Kensuke primarily contributes his artwork to Roland, which includes: Visual artwork for new products of the “Aira Series”; as well as Yokohama Brewery’s limited label design, Rickie-G’s “follow your heart” jacket design, and Yu Mamiya feat. El Da Sensei “HOW I WRITE IT”’s 7 in. jacket illustration, to name a few.