813gallery owner / Artist Painter
1991年、HIP HOPの4大要素の一つ “Graffiti” に魅せられ自己表現の場を見つける。
1997年に日本のHIP HOPシーンを牽引していたグループの1つ”MELLOW YELLOW”のK.I.N氏とデザインチーム “TypoGraphics” を結成。GAKU-MC、KICK THE CAN CREW、SKY-HI、嵐などのCD・DVDジャケットアートワーク、イラストレーション、キャラクターデザイン等を手掛ける。
2004年、ブランド “Optimystik” のメンバーとしてデザイン、イラストレーションを担当。2010年よりオリジナル作品の制作に加え、ポスカのみでのライブペイントをスタートさせる。2017年にはNYにてグループ展”re:edit”を開催。
In 1991, KIO had a huge crush on one of the elements of Hip Hop – graffiti. He established a strong identity for his art work through street culture.
KIO formed a collective called, “TypoGraphics” with K.I.N. of “MELLOW YELLOW” in 1997. At the time, MELLOW YELLOW was leading the Japanese Hip Hop scene. They designed illustrations, characters, and logo design as well as album cover art for major Japanese Hip Hop artists. Their high quality art work captivated viewers.
In 2005, KIO became their director of design and illustration for the apparel brand “Optimystik”. The brand reflects “sound” and “art” through an original point of view from a street culture perspective.
In 2010, KIO started live painting at clubs and street culture events using POSCA paint markers only. In 2012, he had an exhibition with various artists in Australia. In 2013, KIO had his first solo exhibition at Shibuya NOSORG&NOS Ebisu in Tokyo.
*KIO’s warm, expressive touch is based on Black Culture.